Series Summary
In this series, called 3:16, we will be exploring several significant passages in the Bible that are located at the 3:16 chapter and verse marker in their respective books. These passages cover a wide range of variety, from a variety of authors, covering a variety of topics, through a variety of time periods of Israel’s and the church’s history. The only common denominator in this series is where each of those passages is located in the Bible, at a 3:16 mile marker.
You likely already know that all Scripture is inspired by God. That fact is stated in 2 Timothy 3:16, which is one of the 3:16’s we’ll look at in this series. But while all Scripture is inspired, the chapter and verse designators are not. Those came later – the Old Testament around the 13th century, and the New Testament a little later. They were added to help make it easier to find a particular passage, especially when someone was trying to manipulate a bulky, awkward scroll instead of a book. But, even though the verse numbers aren’t inspired, it’s curious that so many weighty passages are found at the 3:16 mile marker. Maybe God knew that we needed some things to be easy to remember.
In this series, we will be looking at several different passages that are found at 3:16, in different books of the Bible. In some cases, we may only look at the verse, or maybe two or three. For others, we may need a good portion of the chapter in order to understand it completely. But all of them are found at the 3:16 point. Among the 3:16's we'll examine are John, Genesis, Proverbs, Colossians, Daniel, Ephesians, 1 Peter, 2 Timothy, and more.
It'll be unique. It’ll be enlightening. And we hope you’ll join us as we examine the 3:16’s of the Bible!
Sermon Summary
Genesis 3 contains the account of the Fall, when sin entered the world and the perfect world that God had created was corrupted. In the middle of this passage are the consequences that Adam, Eve, and Satan faced as a result. And the consequences have been with us ever since: The serpent was punished. The woman received greater pain in childbirth, and her desire was for her husband's authority. The man's work became harder, and became his focus.
It wasn't good. And it still isn't. But in that tragic account, there is a glimmer of hope. Even in the midst of punishment, God announced that there would be a cure for the curse who would one day reverse the consequences for good. And his name is Jesus.