3D Discipleship
Develop your faith and purpose in Christ.
Get connected to others.
Getting plugged in to the life of the church is the next step in discipleship. Finding a place to learn and grow is critical. From Sunday School classes to home based small groups, there are plenty of opportunities to grow.
Small Groups
Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
Each of the stages of the 3D Discipleship model has a corresponding supporting strategy.
We call these the 3 C’s.
To connect to others is to recognize that you cannot do this alone. God designed us as relational beings. We are created to travel the journey of discipleship together.
Connecting with others fills a twofold purpose: others help you discover and fulfill God’s purposes in your life. And you reciprocate by helping others to discover and fulfill God’s will in their lives. This helps each of us to grow spiritually, emotionally and relationally.
Because of this we encourage every person at PVCC to commit to others on a large scale by attending at least one major service each week. We encourage every person at PVCC to commit to others on a smaller scale by joining and being a part of a small or midsize group. But we ask that you go further than simply attending. We ask you to experience true community by involving your life with the lives of those in your small group.
To be connected means that we care for one another, we reach out to one another, we encourage one another, we pray for one another, and we minister to one another. Our small groups are open: anyone can attend. And they are reproducing: leaders are developed to lead new groups. (Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 13:1-3, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13)