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Jonah: The City


Series Summary

The book of Jonah is unique among the Old Testament prophets. First of all, it’s more about the messenger than it is about the message he brings. Second, it is one of the few examples of the miraculous to be found in Old Testament prophecy; each chapter of Jonah contains a miracle. The message of Jonah is one that is very necessary for us, even today. As we seek to follow God with our lives, as we seek to live out our faith, Jonah provides a few examples of what to do, along with a few examples of what not to do. The message of Jonah clearly communicates God’s love and mercy for people, regardless of who they might be, or even whether they follow him or not. The message of Jonah clearly displays the power of God as he leads us in our own lives, and pursues us in order to build a relationship with us. The message of God clearly acknowledges that God is in control of all things, from the weather to the creatures in the sea, and everything in between. The book of Jonah contains four settings: the boat, the belly of the fish, the city, and the shade of a vine. In each of these four settings, we can see the love and mercy of God as he reveals it to Jonah, to the sailors, to the people of Nineveh, and to us. We hope that you will gain a deeper understanding of God, and a closer relationship with him, as we study this intriguing little book from the Old Testament.

Sermon Summary

In Jonah 3, Jonah finally makes it to the city of Nineveh and preaches a message of repentance, or else they'll be destroyed. Surprisingly, the people of Nineveh respond with a change of heart toward God, and repent in sackcloth and ashes. The example they set is one that we can learn from as well. When God calls us to repent, he calls us to a change of life that reflects a new direction. In addition, we also get a glimpse of God's heart for mankind in passages like this. God offers us second chances, and very often, more than just once. His desire is to work in our lives, conforming us more and more into what he wants us to be. God is in the business of changing lives!