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Series Summary

The Incarnation – when God became human in the person of Jesus Christ – is the fullest example of God’s profound love and desire to redeem and restore humanity. Jesus is eternal, one with God the Father, and yet when he took on flesh, he became fully human, even while still being fully divine. In doing so, he bridged the gap that separated us from God. In the Incarnation, Jesus became one of us, entered into our suffering, shared in our experiences, and made a way for our salvation, through his life, death, and resurrection.

At Christmas, celebrating the Incarnation carries deep significance. It reminds us of the hope, peace, and joy that come with God’s presence among mankind. This Christmas, we will look at how Jesus is eternal in nature, how he is both fully human and fully God, and what that means for us as Christians. And as we do so, we’ll find more and more reasons to celebrate, not only his birth, but also the transformative power of God’s love shown most clearly in the cry of a baby.

It may be a profound mystery, but in Christ, the mystery has been revealed! In Jesus, we see God’s plan, why it matters, and how we can live in response. So we invite you to join us this Christmas season, and marvel at the Incarnation and its call to respond in faith, worship, and imitation of Christ.

Sermon Summary

Hebrews 1 and 2 may not seem like the typical Christmas passage, but the author of this letter provides some incredible insights into the mystery of the Incarnation. When God became man and stepped into his creation, he did so with intentionality and purpose. He became one of us with a mission in mind.

In Hebrews 1, we see that this purpose was to reveal to us what God is like. Jesus is God’s best and final communication to us about who he is. But the Incarnation reveals more. Jesus also came with the intention to relate with us, to die for us, and to offer us mercy in order to accomplish for us what we are unable to accomplish for ourselves: a restored relationship with God.

God has spoken. Are you listening?

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